Contact Us
Address: 3/F, Tsz Wan Shan (South) Estate Community Centre,
45 Wan Wah Street, Tsz Wan Shan, Kowloon (Meeting by appointment)
Tel:2466 0247
Fax:2466 0706
Service Type:
Supported Employment Service (Supported Employment Training for Persons with Disabilities (SET))
Service Hours:
Monday to Friday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Sunday & Public Holidays – closed
Service Objectives
As we believe that people with disabilities are stakeholders in our community so they deserve respect and equal opportunity.
Through proactive training and positive encouragement, we believe that people with disabilities can take up different jobs in open market, integrate into society like others, live independently and make contributions to society.
Service Aims
To support service users with disabilities in employment, including job attachment, job referral and employment counselling, and nurture inclusion in working environments.
Target Group
Persons with disabilities, aged 15 or above, who are capable of self-care; and
Persons with disabilities who are unable to adjust to the open job market in the absence of employment support.
Service Type
Supported Employment Training for Persons with Disabilities (SET)
Scopes of Service
1. Employment Counselling, Work Skills Training and Job Attachment:
1.1 Provide work-related counselling and services such as job analysis, job matching, etc. for service users, their family members and employers, to meet the changing needs of the labour market and economic development.
1.2 Provide on-the-job training such as work skills and interview training to help service users secure employment.
1.3 *Provide job attachment of up to 3 months for each participant. Participants who fulfill the required attendance may receive the job attachment allowance.
* There is no employer-employee relationship between service users and organisations that provide job attachment opportunities.
2. Job Referral and Job Trial
2.1 Refer service users who are ready for open employment to potential employers, and explore more opportunities for open employment and job trials. Assist employers in tracking service users’ work performance so as to help service users achieve goals and tackle difficulties at work.
2.2 Employers can try out work abilities of the participants through job trial. During the job trial period, the employers will receive a subsidy equal to 50% of the actual wage paid to the participants with a ceiling of $4,000 a month, whichever is lower, for a maximum of 6 months.
2.3 The participants under trial job period should enjoy the status of employees and are entitled to the normal employment benefits as defined under Employment Ordinance, the Minimum Wage Ordinance.
3. Post-employment Support and Follow-up Services:
Provide a minimum of 12 months of employment follow-up services and continuous employment support for service users to help them adapt to work as soon as possible.
Free of charge, however, programme fees may be charged depending on the programme.
Application Procedures
Referral can be made to the Central Referral System for Rehabilitation Services of the Social Welfare Department or through other social service organisations
Apply directly to service units
Withdrawal Procedures
Participants may withdraw service from the following methods:
Exit with Success
Being employed for half a year and having received no less than 12 months of post-employment support service
Voluntary Exit
Service users may apply directly to the service unit to cease service voluntarily if they feel to do so.
Involuntary ExitAfter assessment and training, participants do not meet the requirements of open employment.
Lost Contact
The service unit will arrange for exit service if the service user cannot be contacted for 3 months.