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Contact Us

Address:Units 1-6 and 9-16, G/F, High Block, Wu Kwong House, Wu King Estate, Tuen Mun, New Territories

Tel:2456 9577

Fax:2456 9571


Service Type:

Community Rehabilitation Day Centre (with Day Care Service for Persons with Severe Disabilities and Day Respite Service)


Service Hours:
Monday to Friday: 8:00 am – 6:00 pm
Saturday: 8:00 am – 1:00 pm
Sunday & Public Holidays – closed

Service Objectives

  • Community Rehabilitation Day Centre: to provide one-stop treatment, training and services for patients newly discharged from hospitals through a coordinated professional team. This service aims at enhancing the patients’ physical functioning and self-care abilities, slowing degradation and becoming less dependent, strengthening domestic living and community living skills, helping them restructure a healthy lifestyle and productive life roles so as to facilitate their integration into the community. Training is also provided to their family members or carers to strengthen their caring capability and relieve their pressure for an improved quality of life.

  • Day Care Service for Persons with Severe Disabilities: to provide day care for people with severe disabilities; to promote care in the community by strengthening the caring capability of families or carers through provision of day care service to enhance opportunities of people with severe disabilities to continue living in the community.

  • Day Respite Service: to provide day respite service for people with severe disabilities so as to allow carers to take care of personal matters or emergence. This also helps temporarily relieve their caring duties and alleviate their stress.

Scope of Services

  • Rehabilitation Training Service
    Discharged patients who are:
    - aged 15 and above; and
    - suffering from stroke, neurological or physical impairments, or other physical illnesses affecting their functional performance and in need of continuous rehabilitation training.

  • Day Care Service for Severely Disabled Persons
    -Severely mentally handicapped / severely physically persons aged between 15 and 59.

  • Day Respite Service
    -Discharged patients as stipulated above.

  • Carer Support Service
    -Family members / carers of discharged patients as stipulated above.

Scopes of Service

  • Time-definedcentre-based individual or group rehabilitation training programmes;

  • Home-based training service;

  • Training programmes / educational courses / workshops for the family members / carers;

  • Supportive services including the organization of mutual support groups for discharged patients, the launching of public education programmes and the provision of consultation services to support groups and rehabilitation units in the community;

  • Day respite care service; and

  • Day care service for severely disabled persons.


  • Physiotherapy and occupational therapy treatment rooms, care corner, multi-purpose activity areas, home living area, and meeting room, etc.

Fees and Charges

  • Rehabilitation Training  
    $101 per session


  • Home Assessment    $152 per session

  • Transportation Service(Centre Bus/ Rehab bus)    $15 per trip

    * Service fee is set with reference to the” Median Monthly Domestic Household Income (MMDHI)”.

    *Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) recipients can apply for subsidies from the Social Security Field Unit with receipts after payment. The final refund amount will be determined by Social Welfare Department.

Application Procedures

  • Rehabilitation Training Service
    -Must be referred by medical officers / occupational therapists / physiotherapists of the Hospital Authority through the SWD approved standardized referral system.

  • Day Care Service for Severely Disabled Persons
    -Referred by social worker.

  • Day Respite Care Service
    -Referred by social worker; or
    -Approach the centre for direct application for the service

  Withdrawal Procedures 

Apply to the centre directly.

Centre Information
​(Traditional Chinese Only)

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