Contact Us
Address: Nos.1-9, Wing C, G/F, Lung Hei House, Lower Wong Tai Sin (II) Estate, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon
Tel: 2726 2480
Fax:2326 1048
Service Type:
Day Activity Centre cum Hostel for Severely Mentally Handicapped Persons (with Residential Respite Service & Extended Care Programme)
Service Hours:
Monday to Friday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Sunday & Public Holidays – closed
Service Objectives
Day Activity Centre cum Hostel for Severely Mentally Handicapped Persons:
To provide daytime care and training in a safe and comfortable home living residential environment assisted with various personal care needs. Health conditions and their ability can be maintained so that they can become more independent in daily lives. The quality of life is therefore improved. Service users can develop their potential and keep in touch with their family and community through participating in volunteer work. They are more integrated into the community and can have a whole-person development.
Extended Care Programme: to provide day care service to service users who could no longer benefit from prolonged or intensive training so that they can enjoy their life through developmental and social activities.
Residential Respite Service: to provide short term residential care service for people with disabilities in the community so that their family members or carers can have a planned short break or may attend to their personal business. The service aims to make life for those involved in routine care less stressful and more stimulating.
Target Group
Day Activity Centre cum Hostel for Severely Mentally Handicapped Persons: people aged 15 or above with severe grade intellectual disability.
Extended Care Programme of the Day Care Centre: people aged 50 or above who are existing service users of the centre, have deteriorating health condition and can no longer benefit from intensive training.
Residential Respite Service: people aged 6 or above with mental disabilities living in the community.
Scopes of Service
Day Care Centre cum Hostel for Severely Mentally Handicapped Persons:
Conduct initial and periodical assessment to evaluate the level of disability of service users and set out individual plan and training course.
Provide individual or group training in relation to muscle ability, self-care ability, communication skills, social and interpersonal skills, communal living skills, household skills, simple work skills, and leisure and recreational activities.
Social and recreational activities are organised. External organisations are invited to visit the centre and service users can participate in community activities and make use of community facilities. Different organisations are liaised to jointly organise community education and volunteer work.
Provide nursing care (administration and supervision of medication, wound management, measure of blood pressure and body temperature, etc.), care of daily living, lunch arrangement and so on; if necessary, referrals can be made to physiotherapy, occupational therapy and clinical psychology services, etc.
Extended Care Programme: simple exercise and rehabilitation training, as well as social, recreational and developmental programmes are provided.
Residential Respite Service: short term residential care service is provided.
Training room, sensory room, physiotherapy room, isolation room, multi-function activity room, bedroom, kitchen, laundry and so on
Day Activity Centre, Extended Care Programme: free
Hostel for Severely Mentally Handicapped Persons: HK$1,605 per month (for 50% disabled adults) or HK1,813 per month (for 100% disabled adults or Disability Allowance recipients) and sundry fees of HK$150 per month
Residential Respite Service: HK$60 per day (with meals)
Fees may be charged depending on individual activities.
Application Procedures
Hostel for Severely Mentally Handicapped Persons: referred by the social workers to the Central Referral System for Rehabilitation Services of the Social Welfare Department.
Extended Care Programme: no application is required as the centre will proactively provide assessment and service.
Residential Respite Service: apply directly to the centre, or referred by Medical Social Services Units, Integrated Family Services Centre, Special School or social workers of rehabilitation service organisations.
Withdrawal Procedures
Apply to the centre directly.