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Rehabilitation Service

Realise Potential of the Disabled to the Fullest

Our Council provides rehabilitation service based on the overall needs of people with disabilities, respecting their will and feeling. With an integrated service approach, the disabled are encouraged to have whole-person development and participate in volunteer work so that they can integrate into the society. At the same time, we promote to build a better society with care and love to understand more about and accept people with disabilities. The rehabilitation service of our Council emphasises on communication with family members of the disabled so that they can receive better support to face the future.

Integrated Rehabilitation Services Centre

Harmony Manor and Fairyland have started their services since 2009 and 2013 respectively to provide a range of multi-services as Integrated Rehabilitation Services Centres. With the edge of shared resources and integrated services, it provides one-stop and diversified services to people with disabilities. Harmony Manor is equipped with Day Activity Centre, Integrated Vocational Rehabilitation Services Centre, Hostel for Moderately Mentally Handicapped Persons, Hostel for Severely Mentally Handicapped Persons, Hostel for Severely Physically Handicapped Persons, and Care and Attention Home for Severely Disabled Persons. Fairyland is equipped with Day Activity Centre, Hostel for Severely Mentally Handicapped Persons, and Care and Attention Home for Severely Disabled Persons. Both of them offer “Extended Care Programme”, “Day Respite Service”, “Residential Respite Service”, and the former also offers “Work Extension Programme”.


Early Education and Training Centre

Child Enlightenment Centre, Chan Yin Chuen Child Enrichment Centre and Child Advancement Centre have started to provide their services since 2010, 2011 and 2015 respectively, providing services for disabled children from birth to the age of 2 with early intervention programmes with particular emphasis on the caring and training role of the disabled child’s family. Disabled children aged from 2 to 6 can receive the service if they are not concurrently receiving other pre-school rehabilitation services, which will facilitate their integration into the mainstream education system.


Special Child Care Centre

Child Enlightenment Centre, Chan Yin Chuen Child Enrichment Centre and Child Advancement Centre have started to provide special training and care for moderately and severely disabled children to facilitate their growth and development, helping them prepare for primary education. “Occasional Child Care Service” and “Extended Hours Service” are provided to minimise the risk of leaving children alone at home.


Day Activity Centre

Wongtaisin Day Activity Centre, Yau Oi Day Activity Centre Cum Hostel and Lower Wongtaisin Day Activity Centre Cum Hostel have started their services since 1994, 1995 and 1996 respectively, and the Day Activity Centre located at Harmony Manor and Fairyland also started providing day care and training in daily living skills and simple work skills to severely mentally handicapped people from 2009 and 2013 respectively, so that they can become more independent in their daily lives.


Training Centre for Persons with Autism

The Practice, Research & Training Centre on Autism (PRTA) was set up in 2008 to provide assessment for people with Autism by a group of professionals including clinical psychologists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, speech therapists and family social workers. An all-round developmental advice is given to parents so that they can have sufficient ability to master needs in the cases.


Agency-based Occupational Therapy Service

Since 1997, Agency-based Occupational Therapist Service has started providing service users who are receiving our rehabilitation service with the primary components of daily living skills, communication skills, pre-vocational/vocational skills, perceptual motor and sensory integrative functioning, leisure pursuits, aids and environmental adaptations, and community living skills.


Agency-Based Speech Therapy Service

Since August 2021, the Agency-Based Speech Therapy Service has been established in the Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council (NAAC).  It provides speech therapy service to needy ageing service users of (subvented) residential care homes for persons with disabilities (RCHDs).  It also offers consultation and demonstration to service users’ family members/principal carers/relevant staff members on training programme and treatment of individual service user as well as to equip them with the knowledge and skills in handling the speech, feeding and swallowing problems of these service users.

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Supported Employment Service

Supported Employment Service (Hong Kong), Supported Employment Service (Kowloon) and Supported Employment Service (New Territories) started the service from 1996 and increased the service quota to today’s level. It allows people with disabilities to work in an integrated open setting with necessary support service and to have access to the usual benefits of having a job such as income at market rates and job security; moreover, On the Job Training Programme for People with Disabilities enhances the employment of people with disabilities through proactive training, and provides wage subsidy to employers so as to encourage them to offer job vacancies for people with disabilities to try out their work abilities.


Integrated Vocational Rehabilitation Services Centre  

Tuen Mun Integrated Employment Services Centre (formerly Tuen Mun Workshop and subsequently transformed in 2004) and Integrated Vocational Rehabilitation Services Centre at Harmony Manor have started their services since 1995 and 2009 respectively. It provides people with disabilities one stop integrated and seamless vocational rehabilitation services in a training environment specially designed to accommodate the limitations arising from their disabilities, in which they can be provided vocational training, develop social and economic potential, achieve upward mobility in vocational rehabilitation, and prepare for potential advancement to open employment. The former also provides supported employment service for them to work in open setting. Both of them provide “Work Extension Programme” (the former was provided by Healthy Manor) to offer recreation, interest development and care services for people who could no longer perform normal work tasks due to old age or deterioration in work abilities.


Care and Attention Home for Severely Disabled Persons

Harmony Manor and Fairyland started serving people with severe disabilities from 2009 and 2013 respectively. Both of them provide home living for people with severe mental/physical disabilities who are in need of nursing and intensive personal care. Both hostels provide “Residential Respite Service” and “Day Respite Service” to people with disabilities in the community.


Hostel for Severely Physically Handicapped Persons 

Harmony Manor started providing hostel service to people with severe disabilities from 2009. It provides home living for people with severe physical disabilities who are in need of nursing and personal care. It also provides “Residential Respite Service” to people with disabilities in the community.


Hostel for Severely Mentally Handicapped Persons 

Yau Oi Day Activity Centre Cum Hostel, Wongtaisin Day Activity Centre, Harmony Manor and Fairyland started providing hostel service to people with severe disabilities from 1995, 1996, 2009 and 2013 respectively. They provide home living for people with severe mental disabilities who are in need of nursing and personal care. The four hotels also provide “Residential Respite Service” to people with disabilities in the community.


Hostel for Moderately Mentally Handicapped Persons

Tai Hing Hostel, Wellness Manor, Healthy Manor and Harmony Manor started providing services to people with moderate mental handicap from 1997, 2008, 2014 and 2009 respectively. They provide home living for people with moderate mental handicap who are capable of basic self-care but lack adequate daily skills to live independently in the community so as to strengthen their skills and ability for a better quality of life; the five hostels also provide “Residential Respite Service” to people with disabilities in the community.


Supported Hostel

Sunny Manor (formerly a residential child care home, then transformed to a supported hostel in 2004, later renamed in 2012), Shun Tin Hostel, Pleasant & Leisure Manors and Cheery Manor started providing services from 1994, 2001, 2006 and 2008 respectively. They provide group home living for people with disabilities who can only live semi-independently with a fair amount of assistance from hostel staff in daily activities. Except Pleasant & Leisure Manors, all of the other hostels provide “Residential Respite Service” to people with disabilities in the community.


District Support Centre for Persons with Disabilities

Wong Tai Sin Wellness Support Centre has adopted a district-based approach to provide one-stop community support services for people with disabilities and their family members/carers since 2009. It aims at enhancing the domestic living and community living skills for the disabled so as to facilitate their integration into the community. It also provides training and support services to the family members/carers to strengthen their caring capacity and to relieve their stress.


Home Care Service for Persons with Severe Disabilities

Together Home Care Service for Persons with Severe Disabilities started as a pilot project in 2011 and became a regular service in 2014. Through the provision of a package of home-based support services meeting the personal care, training and nursing care needs in Tuen Mun and Kwai Tsing districts, people with severe disabilities could keep staying in the community; in addition, it provides training and support to relieve the stress of the family members/carers for their better quality of life.


Community Rehabilitation Day Centre

NT West Community Rehabilitation Day Centre started providing both professional rehabilitation training and psychosocial rehabilitation services to discharged patients services in the areas of Tuen Mun, Yuen Long and Tin Shui Wai from 2008. It aims at enhancing the patients’ physical functioning and self-maintenance abilities; strengthening their domestic living and community living skills; helping them restructure a healthy lifestyle and productive life roles so as to facilitate their integration into the community. It also provides day respite care service for discharged patients, training programmes and educational courses for their family members/carers to strengthen their caring capacities and relieve their pressure so as to improve their quality of living.


Day Care Service for Persons with Severe Disabilities

NT West Community Rehabilitation Day Centre and Wong Tai Sin Wellness Support Centre started providing centre-based day care for people with severe disabilities from 2008 and 2009 respectively. Through provision of regular day care to support the carers, its objective is to enhance opportunities of people with severe disabilities to continue living in the community.


Day Respite Service

NT West Community Rehabilitation Day Centre from 2008, Wong Tai Sin Wellness Support Centre and Harmony Manor from 2009, andFairyland from 2013 started providing day respite service for people with severe disabilities from 2008, 2009 and 2013 respectively. Its purpose is to allow carers to take care of personal matters or emergence. This also helps temporarily relieve their caring duties and alleviate their stress.


Occasional Child Care Service

Child Enlightenment Centre, Chan Yin Chuen Child Enrichment Centre and Child Advancement Centre started providing occasional child care service for pre-school children with disabilities from 2010, 2011 and 2016 respectively so that parents or carers can attend to personal or urgent matters.


Residential Respite Service

Between 1994 and 2014, Sunny Manor, Yau Oi Day Activity Centre Cum Hostel, Lower Wongtaisin Day Activity Centre Cum Hostel, Tai Hing Hostel, Shun Tin Hostel, Wellness Manor, Cheery Manor, Harmony Manor, Fairyland and Healthy Manor started providing short-term accommodation service to the disabled in the community. Its purpose is to make life for those involved in routine care for people with disabilities less stressful and more stimulating.


Parents Resource Center

Since 2020, Togetherness Parents Resource Centre

serves parents, relatives or caregivers of people with developmental disabilities, intellectual disabilities or other disabilities who reside in Islands District, by providing diversified and comprehensive community support.

The goal is to enable parents to utilize community resources through the help of our staff and to learn skills in caring their relatives with disabilities or with developmental difficulties. Through sharing experiences and mutual support, it enhances parents’ coping strategies to overcome difficulties and manage stress.

Parents Resource Center
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