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深蹲挑戰 / Squat Challenge

Aims of Challenge: 
Raise funds for self-financed services e.g. Chinese Medicine Service, Hostels for mentally challenged persons and low income singletons etc. 

What is the Squat Challenge and how can I join?
1. Record yourself doing 20 squats
2. Increase the challenge level by doing weighted squats with any object of your choice (e.g. your dog or dumbbell)
3. Make a donation of HK$200 or above via Payme, share and challenge 3 friends via WhatsApp or Facebook.

How will your donation help?
1.    Supports 2 low-income elders to receive free Chinese medical treatment; or
2.    Subsidizes 1 mentally-challenged person / 1 singleton with financial difficulties to have 1 day stay at hostel



👇🏻Share the following message to your Facebook or WhatsApp to 3 friends


Squat Challenge for NAAC

I did it! Please complete the charity challenge for me:

✳️ Record 20 squats & challenge 3 friends

✳️ Level up with weighted squats (e.g. hold your dog or dumbbell)

🔹Mission completed! Make a donation of HK$200 or above via Payme, share and challenge 3 friends via WhatsApp or Facebook.

#深蹲挑戰 #squatchallengenaac #鄰舍輔導會 #naachk


(The challenge aims to raise funds for self-financed services e.g. Chinese Medicine Service, Hostels for mentally challenged persons and low income singletons etc. For details:


Please leave your name and contact number as you make the Payme donation to receive a receipt for tax deduction.

Mr. Joey Leung, the ambassador:

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