Programme Details
Bon Appétit Café provides each eligible participant with food assistance of HK$3,000 within 3 months. The programme will be conducted in phases which benefits 4,000 people with the total subsidy of HK$12 million.
Joining us as a partner organization, the Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council (NAAC) will recruit beneficiares for the programme with its network. Eligible recipients will receive the "Bon Appétit Card", and enjoy the meals at our Café de Coral fast food outlets during the period of validity.
Service Targets of the scheme:the carers of children, elderly and disabled. Eligible applicants will be selected by NAAC from within its network. For more details of the applicant, please press here.
Number of beneficiaries:4,000 people
Phase 1:The carers of children and elderly
Date of Application: 1-9-2-23 to 15-9-2023
Date of use: 1st October,2023 to 31st December,2023
1st November,2023 to 1st January,2024
Phase 2 :The carers of children and persons with disabilities
Date of Application: 1st November, 2023 to 15th November, 2o23
Date of use: 1st December,2023 to 29th February, 2024
1st January,2024 to 31st March,2024
Enquiry: 2527-4567